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GALLAND, Recueil des rits et cérémonies du pelerinage de la Mecque, 1754

Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 

GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 

Recueil des rits et cérémonies du pelerinage de la Mecque, auquel on a joint divers ecrits relatifs à la religion, aux sciences & aux murs des Turcs. 

Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1754.

8vo (163x100 mm), viii-215 pages.  binding : Contemporary full calf, gilt spine in six compartments. Title piece is missing. Caps and corners bumped. 

Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 

First edition.
Book which brings together five different essays, of which Julien-Claude Galland (probably died in 1765), the nephew of Antoine Galland, is only the interpreter.
The one who gives its wording to the title is a translation from the Arabic of Sheikh Chemfeddin el Buhouky the Shafeite. The others are: "Muslim catechism translated from the Arabic of the sheikh or Dr. Aly son of Iaakoub", "Translation of a Dissertation by Zehny effendy on the sciences of the Turks", "Relation of the island of Chio" and " Relation of the walk of Sultana Esma, daughter of Sultan Ahmed, when she was taken to her husband Iaakoub Pasha.

Price : 1000 €

Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 
Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 
Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 
Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 
Photo GALLAND, Julien-Claude. 
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